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Thursday, August 9, 2018

What Break Up Lines Were You Served By Your Ex?

Have you ever been served a break up line? Here is the break up lines that was served to people during their break ups by their ex-lovers;

breakup lines

Oluwashola4me, male
Mine was, "Tee, I used to have feelings for you, but I ain't gat no feelings for you anymore." 
It was dumbfounded, because I was still in love with her.
She was my all in all then. I loved her with my whole heart**sobs**She later told me that she thought I'd actually moved on due to my unavailability for some time, hence her breaking up with me. Guess she was insecure. Still feeling it in my heart tho.

Anonymous, female
"You're not just what I thought you were" - I cried my eyes out lol

Anonymous, female
Oohh one time he said to me that I deserved someone better than him coz he isnt the right one for me...the next thing I know he is married with his xgf...
But after that he still want us to be friends  I hate doing it but I need to blocked him in every social media we shared before coz I don't wanna hear all the BS he's talking abt 

Cokacoola, male
She was lyk "you qave me 21 missed call now the iphone my mum bouqht 4 me frm uk fell into d water while vibrating. Its over!!!

She said that I can't feed her and the children with ministry money if we get married that as she is she need someone that is earning from the govt. but she has been calling for us to reconcile because she had that the printing press where I use to work before joining the ministry called me back and I was also licensed in the Anglican Communion within a month.

Sundoj08, male
No comments cos I've never being served but I've definitely served some.. poo was dope, smiling inside while she was all bitter and pitiful.. No hard feelings

Cruzita, female
Real girls don't get dumped we do the serving.

Wilybebsy, female
She was like 'I need a break' till today the break never finish, that was more than a year ago

Bensondrums, male
I did all d serving...never wish t experience one tho cus wen i luv i luv with d whole of my heart

Anonymous, Female
Have never get dumped by a boy I rather end the relationship maybe cus am not yet serious for a real relationship I usually say''I can't do do this anymore am sorry"real girls don't get dumped.

Anonymous, male
She said I am no longer inlove with you but if we have a one year break I will love you again... I refused but she insisted... Not long she dated another guy and later complained to me that the guy was a womaniser and he lies too Much and he also had a small d ick that she needs my dick

Romanychy, female
"you are supernatural somehow and it scares me"

Realhommie, male
She said to me "I dn't think we can be together anymore, It's not you but me, coz of all the tinz i'v done to hurt yu, i'v caused yu so much pains and I'm so sorry.. Just go get someone better for yu deserve better.." And 2 weeks ltr she was fully dating a guy she was alrdy cheating with, got wind of it and i was so heartbroken but life goes on.. Abt 2months ltr she told me she was single, dat she called of the relationship but wldn't say why, Lol... That's women for you oooooo, very complicated beings... This was last year and since then I'm very scared to fall in love agn, Lol.

Your siblings are very wonderful and loving but I know they don't approve of our relationship. Your parents too. I know they just like me. Maybe we should keep our relationship a secret until things blow over. We can still see each other and do the things we do. Next thing I know she has moved out of town and hardly takes my calls, replies my BBMs, emails and facebook chats..
At curse or abuse on me 

Brighthp, male
We are not compatible and it's better I walk away this early.....babe bin expecting marriage finz.

Kzy, female
" I was just trying to replace you through her."

Hmmm. See guys telling us how the ladies served them and babes saying they've never been served. This is an eye-opener. Ladies often initiate the breakup. Impatient selfish beings.
A word to the brothers out there. If she begins to misbehave, fish for a replacement or two. If she gets worse, serve her hot. She's only trying to frustrate you so you'll slowly and painfully breakup with her so she can move on to the next guy. If you just wouldn't take a hint she'll drop the bomb on you.
Best if you preempt her by acting before she's ready.

Ebyoma, female
Though I wish he had told me he's moving on.
while I was hoping for a future with him I found out he has gotten himself another bae and married her.
Such a COWARD!!!
BTW, I'm glad he married his karma..

Eveezy, male
She called me one day nd said "I dnt know wat is wrong wit u, u feel like a god amongst women, u only want one thing frm me, which is sex, I can't continue again" I was jst dumbfounded nd was jst asking "how" little did I know she was already bleeping Sumone else, a month later came bk nd told me, her bf dnt mk her xum

 Ekehwinz, male
She couldnt serve me. I got served by her friend that she will be getting married in a month time.

Blesoh, female
My ex was showing me this attitude then I knew he's up to something. I cajoled him in to loving me more then I dump his sorry ass. Few weeks I met my husband. It was hell for him.

Frakdon, male
She said, go and make money,then come back for me..

Foriz4u, male
She said, "I'm not enjoying my singlehood, I need a fresh start". 
I was like "r u serious?!! singlehood kwa. wat happened to all d serial sex, bday outings, n other gift n special treat I always do wat sisterhood r u talking abt... oboy all dis one I dey talk so na waste of time o na so d babe take cal of 2yrs old relstnshp ha.! women?? they're synonymous to evil.

Uyisteven, male
She said "we didn't start the relationship with God in it"..We wer 4lowin our worldly flesh...Now dat she is born again, we shud strt all ovr with no incentive attached...
Nd am emotionally unavailable...
Told d babe we shud jst brk up b4 she says am incapable of habourin any feeling..

And so on…

Wheew! It was gathered that the percentage of heartbroken and dumped men to women is off the charts, we have seen the most ruthless break up lines been served but mostly to men by women, this one na tragedy.


  1. No girl can dump me.... I am just too good for them, and I don't dump any of them either, trust no niggas have more bitches, keep the right mind!!!

  2. She said she wanted to see me that faithful evening and so she came to my dance rehearsals. I was done with my dance routines, tired from dancing tho....Was really glad she came around...She was sitting down, so I majestically walked up to her, she was looking fyner than ever... Gave her a slight hug and I remember she was smelling nice too. And I used to love the way she smelled. hmm, my goodness. She knew i had a thing for beautiful aromas and she always smelled extremely nice. So that day she deliberately used extra. heheh, women. Innocent me, complimented how nice she was smelling and I wanted to rub off small from her body, so I hugged her, and we laughed and had our little fun. Who knew that was going to be my last laugh.. at-least with her sha...Then she said to me, ''I have something to tell you.'' I cud sense she was restless tho... Then she gave me a long stare and took a deep breath in and out. I was worried something bad had happened either at home or at school or just something random entirely. After 10-15 mins of pushing her to talk. Then she finally drops the BAZUKA..''I don't understand what we are doing anymore.'' I was like sho, can you please repeat yourself, and then GBAGAUN...''I WOKE UP FROM MY DREAMS.'' To be yall... grin wink

  3. Mine is on the receiving the given side.

    From me to Harmony,.. I regret ever knowing you and i curse the day we met.

    From jenni to me,.. I think you dont love me anymore, and i feel i shud just put an end to this relationship; then she left my heart shattered. 2 months later she came back begging and i accepted her back because i wanted to pay her back. and 3 months after she returned.

    From me to jenni,.. your sis "precious"(younger sis) is so hot and sweet. I feel she is the one my heart nw beat for. I dont love you anymore.

  4. love does not exist among humans, its just emotions.. love is an illusion for the weak..

    1. please tell me, how it is an illusion, for the weak? and I hope that, you know what it means when you said,'its just emotions?.

  5. .. when you think you are in love... you just cant do anything without thinking of or considering the other partner.. you will do things that you would not do when your head is straight nd clear, it clouds your judgement, then you will foolishly say u r in love.. but the bottom line is that its all emotions... nd its for the weak people.. love is just an illusion for the weak.. i have had different break up... it seems to b d end of the world for me den.... but look at me now, i have moved on, all emotions are gone.. is only God who can love.. the qualities of love cannot be seen or gotten from humans... period..

  6. Story.. Romantic love is never an altruistic endeavor.. Everyone comes with selfish insterest hoping to give up something in consideration for something better..

  7. I have a dead emotional side,yes i am dead emotionally.i have babes falling in love with me but am Dead emotionally.
