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Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Female Tenant Tried To Implicate Me With Rape When Her ‘Sex For Rent’ Plan Failed

I haven’t seen women in real blackmailing action until I accommodated my female tenant Alice sometime in October 2017. I evacuated a male tenant from the same room which she occupied for the reason of being behind rent, when he was gone I put a sign for a vacant room and not up to 2 weeks Alice showed up and liked the environment, and she paid 6 months’ rent upfront because we do collect 6 months’ rent in that area.

She moved in like a week later and for 4 months down the line she was so engaged with her tight schedule as I was also busy with work, until the fourth month she started feeling too comfortable in the house, she would wear some tight underwear shorts revealing her enormous waist and a braless singlet in the morning gallivanting the whole compound and she would make sure I see her, she would even greet me to be sure I looked at her.

Sometimes when we have conversations, she would stir the conversation to a different angle, she uses every opportunity to discuss about sex or her past lover, there has never been a chat we had that she does not systematically involves sex into it or something that has to do with a man and a woman. I wasn’t seeing where all these were going, I was busy trying to figure out if she was having crush on me or if it was just her way or interacting with neighbours. I have a rule of not having intercourse with my female tenants, so as not to mix emotions with my rent and Alice would not be an exception even though she was very sexy.

One Sunday she bought a movie which she once told me about and begged me to watch it with my TV in my room because her DVD player wouldn’t play it; I accepted and had to see the movie with her too. The movie was filled with X-rated scenes, very provocative. During the movie my eyes caught hers severally and until I was become uncomfortable, I had to leave the room pretending I was going to get something from outside, while I was outside, my head was filled with confusing thoughts like, “does Alice truly want me to have sex with her or is this one of their mind games, what exactly does she want from me”?

When I got back inside, this is serious temptation! She had left my couch and was lying on my mattress, she has already taken a position that I couldn’t bear to resist whatever it was that was going on in her mind, she was laying her stomach and her big ass was just on a display. At a point when the movie gets funny, she will laugh out loud which will cause her ass to vibrate up and down, she was almost constantly repeating it on purpose.

When the movie was over, we began to chat and we chatted for hours, she was the one stirring the whole conversations and I was just following behind, she made sure she painted pictures in my head that I was only going to ponder over at night. The next day I was day dreaming of Alice in my place of work, I told a colleague what I was going through and he told me that such advances from women doesn’t last a life time, that if I don’t make a move soon it will deal a mighty blow to the Alice’s ego as a woman and she would despise me and take me for a weak man, I should take what I can when I can.

I got home that evening, Alice was already home playing her music loud with her room door left wide open, she was almost naked, in panties and bra. I walked in and asked her to turn down the music and she jokingly refused, I went to turn the music down myself and she tussled with me all over her room, I tried to reach the sound system and she pulled me back, we had a little scuffle and before I knew it we were already on the bed breathing heavily I was on top of her, all close up.

I lost it, that moment was intense so we started kissing, one thing got to another and I was already banging this girl! Now her plan was already in motion and I became her pawn. That where our first escapade began and on and on. Before I could say jack, it was already 6 months, time to renew her rent and I wasn’t comfortable asking a girl I was sleeping with to pay her rent, I sent her a text first reminding her that she needed to renew her rent, I went to collect and then she came up with a story.

It took me the next 2 months to collect half of the 6 months’ rent and the rest was just gone, anytime I go to ask for my money I get sex instead until I stopped asking for money. Next rent session came up and she wasn’t even eager to pay up, she felt like she was already paying me with her pussy, that was when I came to my senses. I could see what she was trying to do. I knew she was going to be trouble if I push it so I came up with a plan; I hired a very crazy female friend to pose as the real landlady of the house as I pretended to be the caretaker posing as a fake landlord.

I thought if a woman posed as the owner of the house, Alice would not want to mention that she paid for her rent with sex. The plan actually paid off because my friend is a fierce lady, she confronted Alice and told her that she wasn’t even aware that she was a tenant in her house, adding that I (the caretaker) never mentioned to her it to her, therefore I haven’t remitted any of her payments to her since she moved in. She demanded for her payment of that session and she bought it, I wasn’t even surprise when Alice paid up immediately so I paid my friend and she went on her way.

Alice stopped speaking to me from then on. She became furious that her plans to use me to get what she wanted didn’t work out; I was the one who used her rather. Then she came up with another plan to cook up a rape case against me; that I have been posing as her landlord and taking advantage of her. She first confronted me with the threat of arresting me with police, demanded I paid her off, I could see it in her eyes that she really meant it. I had to think of another plan to conquer hers again.

I recalled that the last sex we had, I video recorded it with my phone just in case; I felt she was setting a plan in motion so I had to look for a way to get leverage. When her threats started to pile up, I sent her a copy of our sex tape after I had edited my face of course, and that was how I stopped receiving threats from her, I hardly see her around anymore. After her rent expired, she moved out and I never saw her again!