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Sunday, March 31, 2019

I Rejected Ogbono, Okra soup Or Milk Because Of The Look Of A Mature Vagina – A Guy Relives His Horrible Experience When Molested At Age 6.

A guy has took to Facebook with the account name, Ralph N. C. Sanchez to share his horrible experience of sexual molestation he went through in the hands of their house help when he was just six years old.

“I also remember certain times as this, was constantly happening under the nose of my parents as a child I rejected ogbono or okra soup or milk because of the look of a mature Vagina which I was exposed to as a boy of 6 years. It was so bad that the aroma from Oha soup smelled to me as the vagina of the young lady .... who violated me sexually.”

“I mean it was that bad that even to eating oily food not the red oil but groundnut oil didn't go down well with me” ...

“This continued as a teenager just like the very first time I was also exposed to pornography ...God this wasn't a good experience. I forgive these young ladies who exposed my innocence at various times to these very brutal experiences...cos at some point my parents didn't understand why I would want to go without food...not only that, if any of them prepared breakfast, lunch or dinner that is it, I won't eat at all.”

“Somehow I did not understand all these were some serious traumatic experiences ... But today I have overcome these whole issues though it took a long time to... Happily I had my first girl / lady friend at the age of 20 it was at these period a whole lot was clear to me maybe because the girl-lady friend was a medical nurse she helped me so much getting over these negative traumatized after 'SEX State' ..”

“Today, I am an advocate for @themencodemovement also, a co founder and host @thecravewithchiandchi online TV show that promotes everything positive about the male gender and his society at large.

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