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Saturday, September 28, 2019

I Walked In On My 13 Year Old Daughter Doing Lesbianism With Our Landlady’s Daughter. Read Please And Advise Me.

h plus smiley

Hello blog visitors,
If you need to make a sensitive contribution on this post, please go anonymous. I’m still trying to put two and two together to understand the sight of what I just walked into yesterday. I just came back from work yesterday Friday and I walked into the most horrible sight of my teenage 13 year old daughter engaging in a lesbian sex with our landlady’s daughter.

I’m still struggling to understand the meaning of what I witnessed because I don’t want to believe that my 13 year old daughter is a lesbian, and to make matters worse, when I walked in she was so caught up into the activity, she was so enjoying the act because I walked in like 30 seconds before they noticed my presence in the room.

I have always hated gays and stayed far away from them, then my own daughter is turning or should I say has turned to one. To tell you guys the truth, since then my spirit has been seriously down and I don’t know where to start dealing with this, my daughter don’t look me in the eyes anymore because she knows she really disappointed me after seeing me cry after I walked in on them.

I don’t know where she learnt that from or who taught her that but she has disappointed me and I don’t think I can ever trust her again. I’m so after advice on how to deal with this situation right now because she’s too little to think about sex not to talk of lesbian sex. If I had walked into her and a guy, It wouldn’t be too complicated, but a girl? Any advice will be appreciated…


  1. You've gotta talk to her and figure out where she learnt it from. You really don't need to get yourself depressed over this, she must have seen it in the movie somewhere. Just get her grounded and monitor her for a while and then take her off the internet, very important....

  2. She is special. You're lucky to have her. Don't rebuke her much. Help her to understand more clearly the cons of engaging in that type of sex at her age. Time will tell if she's bond to it or she will definitely stop once he grew more maturely.... Don't let her fall into depression and show her more love than ever if you truly want a change.
    Thank me Later

  3. - Draw closer to her & let her know you intend to make her your friend for real.
    - Be kind to her now than before, if possible,take her out & buy her gifts she appreciatie.
    - Avoid making her look guilty for now.
    - Do not rush to blames, altimatums or ideas that indicate a ban of her closeness to landlord's daughter,because you definitely won't carry her along with you to work or outings.
    - When she gains your confidence & can confide in you, have an in depth talk with her, where you can tactfully get her to let you know where, when & how it all started.
    - Then tell her why the cons of it & why she need to discourage herself from continuing in the act.
    - Note the words: DISCOURAGE HERSELF.
    - That means she need to see it as an obligation as well as an effort of her own to rid herself of an impending disaster of her future.
    - When she sees it in that perspective, she is likely to work towards avoiding it, but when she see it as you trying to force her out of it, you may not get a chance to succeed for obvious reasons.
    After all you can't become her personal body guard.
    - If you have access to Emmanuel Tv, i suggest you also watch it together, or if within limits of your possibility, book a visit to Synaguogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, Lagos via their website.
    - Bottom line is avoid radical approach towards it esle it will only make her resilient to your efforts at helping her out of it.
    - Depending on the life style & temperament of your landlord & her family, you may also want to have a talk with the said landlord daughtet, but that is after you've won your daughter over. Else they might all just conive to deceive you into believing they have changed wbile carying on unabated.
    Finally, convincing her for a change of mindset/attitude is key rather than trying to separate her from the other girl, in fact not even a change of residence can stop her.
    Wish you God's mercy, support and favour in your endeavours.

    1. Nice Advice, she also needs to watch what she sees on the TV and internet
